Monday, January 22, 2007

And So the Saga Continues.....

Today we received an email from our agency telling us that the chance to travel prior to Chinese New Year has passed us by because our travel approval has not arrived yet. Therefore, it looks like we will travel most likely around Feb. 22. The government offices in China will be closed the week of Feb. 18-24 due to the holidays.

I am just really down-and-out today. I am really disappointed. It seems that this adoption will never happen. I mean how long can this adoption drag out??? I just pray that we will have Kenzie before her first birthday, March 3. We missed Kaleigh's first birthday. She was over 13 months old when we got her. I would like to be able to celebrate one of my girls first birthdays.

I am sorry to be such a downer. But, todays email hit me like a ton on bricks. The optimist in me wants to still hope for a miracle and travel before CNY.


redmaryjanes said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are delayed in getting your daughter. I can't imagine how hard that is. She is a little beauty.
Hang in there.

Jeff and Valerie said...

So sorry to hear this news. It sure seems to me that you should be there for her birthday.

Sending peaceful thoughts and prayers your way!

Jeff and Valerie said...

Your blog has been very quiet. Hope you are holding up okay.

Have you recevied your TA?

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